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    Function AdjustMeter(StartMeter1,EndMeter1,ValueMeter1,

    This is a very valuable  tool.   It  converts  a  set of numbers to a
    different range  of  numbers.   If  you  think  of the numbers as bar
    graphs or meters,  then  a  number  half  way  up  the one meter must
    obviously  be  half  way   up   the   equivalent   meter   which  has
    been stretched or expanded.


    Meter 1:  ************************************************* 75%
    Meter 2:  ****                                              75%

    In terms of numbers, let's say  meter  1  was a range of numbers from
    1 to 100.  For some reason you  need  a range of numbers from 1 to 4,
    (say).  Obviously if the number  is  75%  of the way "into" 1 to 100,
    (i.e. number 75) it  must  be  75%  of  the  way "into" 1 to 4, (i.e.
    number 3)   Thus

    AdjustMeter(1,100,75,1,4) = 3

    An error  occurs  if  ValueMeter1  is  not  in  range.  The following
    must always hold:

    StartMeter1 <= ValueMeter1 <= EndMeter1

    StartMeter2 < EndMeter2

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